Make Way for a Better Build Tool: Software Construction with SCons

Originally published at SNUG Silicon Valley 2024

Table of contents


Modern hardware development projects are complex. They involve many different tools, languages, and processes. The complexity of these projects is only increasing as the industry moves towards more advanced process nodes, more complex designs, and more advanced verification methodologies. As the complexity of these projects increases, so does the complexity of the build process, or the process of taking the source code and compiling it into a form that can be used by the rest of the project. The build process can be a simple single-line command, but is more typically a complex series of commands that must be run in a specific order with many varying configuration flags that need to be controlled. Build tools such as Make and SCons help to automate this process and return to the simple single-line command developers prefer.

SCons is an open-source alternative to the classic Make utility [1]. It is written in Python, and uses Python scripts to define the build process. SCons is a powerful tool that can be used to build any type of project, but it is especially useful for hardware development projects with many tools to manage and configurations to learn. SCons is easy to set up for a beginner, and extremely powerful for developers with Python familiarity or teams interested in improving their build efficiency.

Basic SCons: A simple example, SystemVerilog style

Every SCons project starts with a file called the SConstruct file. This file is a Python script that defines the build process. The SConstruct file is the only file required to build a project with SCons (as long as the SCons library is installed somewhere on your system, either globally or in a Python virtual environment). As it is a Python script, standard Python code is allowed in the SConstruct file. The SCons library provides additional classes and functions that provide control specific to the build process SCons executes.

env = Environment()
env.Command('simv', ['', '', ''], 'vcs -o $TARGET $SOURCES')
env.Command('run_sim', 'simv', './$SOURCE')

An Introduction to compiling and simulating SystemVerilog with SCons

The example above is a simple SCons example that contains two instructions. The first instruction builds the command for compiling three source files into a simv executable, and the second instruction runs the simulation. These instructions are built using an SCons function inside the SCons Environment class named Command . The Command function takes three arguments: the target file(s), the source file(s), and the command to execute. In this case, The first command looks for three files: , , and . It then executes the command vcs -o simv to build the simv executable, substituting the first argument in the function into the $TARGET placeholder and the second argument into the $SOURCES placeholder. The second command looks for a single file: simv , which it attempts to execute to run the simulation.

To run this example, simply execute scons run_sim in the same directory as the SConstruct file and the source code files. SCons will detect you requested the run_sim target, determine the run_sim target requires the simv target, and determine the simv target requires the three source files. SCons will then execute the commands to build the simv executable and run the simulation all in one command. If any of the source files are missing or if simv doesn't get generated properly, SCons will fail with an error message. If you wanted to just compile and simulate later, you can run the compile target directly with scons simv .

When running multiple times, by default, SCons will determine if the dependencies for the requested target have changed since the last time the target was built. If the dependencies have not changed, SCons will not rebuild the target. This is a powerful feature that can save a lot of time when building large projects. If you want to force SCons to rebuild a target, you can use the -c flag to clean the generated files, or the -u flag to force SCons to rebuild all targets. In this example, if you execute scons run a second time, you will notice SCons will not rebuild the simv executable, as the source files have not changed, and it will immediately run the simulation. The simulation runs every time because we used a target for the instruction that never gets generated by the simulation ( run_sim ), so SCons attempts to build it (unsuccessfully) every time it is requested.

Intermediate SCons: Adding more features

The example in the previous section was a simple example that would only be used for the simplest of projects, such as a scratch test area. In this section, we will add some features to the example to make it more useful for a real project.

import os

tests = [

AddOption('--sim-dir', dest='sim_dir', default='./run/')

env = Environment(

setup = env.Command(
    'echo -e "WORK > DEFAULT\\nDEFAULT: work\\n" > $TARGET')
simv = env.Command(
    ['${DUT_NAME}.sv', '', '', setup], 
    'vcs -o $TARGET -Mdir=$SIM_DIR/csrc ${SOURCES[0:3]}')

for test in tests: 
    test_sim = env.Command(
        'cd $SIM_DIR; ./${SOURCE.file} +UVM_TESTNAME=%s' % test)
    env.Alias('regress', test_sim)

env.Clean('.', ['$SIM_DIR'])

Expanding the SConstruct file with environment variables, a custom simulation directory, and a regression test suite

SCons distinguishes between three unique environments: the external environment, the construction environment, and the execution environment. The external environment is the environment most developers are familiar with---it is typically managed through unix scripts and the terminal. By default, SCons ignores everything in the external environment to create a portable, self-contained build system. The SCons developers encourage specifying all paths to tools and any other variables necessary for the build process in the SConstruct file. The construction environment is a set of variables that control how SCons builds the instructions to execute. The execution environment is the environment the built commands are executed in. If you already have a complex and stable environment set up, it is likely desirable to copy that into the execution environment within SCons. This can be seen in the example above, where the SCons Environment class is instantiated as the construction environment, and the ENV key holds a copy of the external environment for the execution environment to use.

The construction environment has two additional fields added to it: SIM_DIR and DUT_NAME . SIM_DIR is a custom variable that specifies the directory to run the simulation in. This is useful for keeping the simulation directory (and generated files) separate from the source code directory. It is controlled through the AddOption and GetOption SCons functions, which allow you to set the value at the command line by running scons --sim-dir=./clean_run , or leaving it to the default provided. Using the DUT_NAME variable in place of a hard-coded dut name allows the SConstruct to be a bit more portable between projects.

A setup command was added for auto-generating a synopsys_sim.setup file. This file was then added as a dependency of the compile command to ensure it is generated before the compiler runs. Because we don't want to specify it on the VCS command line, the SOURCES list was sliced to only include the first three files.

Setting up regressions is intuitive with SCons. By looping through a list of tests, we can create a unique instruction for each test. In this case, each instruction shares the simv dependency so the project will only need to be compiled once. The actual command is varied to include the unique UVM_TESTNAME argument for each test. Finally, each instruction is added to an SCons Alias named regress . This allows us to run all the tests with a single command: scons regress .

Finally, we used the SCons Clean command to remove the simulation directory when cleaning, in addition to the tracked target files. This will take care of all the additional files and folders created when compiling and simulating.

Using this SConstruct file, developers can compile and simulate any test or every test, clean their work area, and even easily compile into and simulate from a different work area to compare results without needing to clean the default work area. The commands are simple and intuitive:

scons run/simv
scons regress
scons feature_test_1
scons feature_test_2 --sim-dir=./run_alt
scons -c

Some of the possible commands used to interact with the SConstruct file in Figure 2

Advanced SCons: Get the most out of your build system

The SCons User Guide [2] and MAN page [3] are large documents. A lot of the content is dedicated to using the built-in features of SCons for compiling and linking different languages, but there is still plenty of information that can be useful for hardware developers. To get the most out of SCons, being familiar with these documents will benefit you greatly. This section will cover some (but certainly not all) of the more advanced features of SCons that can be used to improve your build system even further.

Replacing env.Command with a custom tool

All of the built-in languages SCons supports using a set of classes and functions that are grouped under the label "tool". These tools allow for building language-specific targets without needing to manually construct the command. For example, to compile a simple C file, all you might need to write is Program('hello.c') . More advanced configurations for C or any other supported language are configured through the construction environment and a number of other specialized functions.

SCons allows you to create your own tools to gain the same type of functionality for any custom build flow. For example, you could write an SCons tool that generates a command for each tool in the VCS library (vlogan, vcs, simv, verdi, etc.). Tools are intended to be fully generic and shared between multiple projects, so this would allow you to create a consistent build flow across all your projects. Then you might have an SConstruct file that looks like this:

work_dut = env.MarkWorkLib('${SIM_DIR}/libs/work_dut/.done', [])
work_tb = env.MarkWorkLib('${SIM_DIR}/libs/work_tb/.done', [])
setup = env.CreateSetup('${SIM_DIR}/synopsys_sim.setup', [work_dut, work_tb])
dut = env.Vlogan(['compile_dut.log'], [work_dut, ''])
tb = env.Vlogan(['compile_tb.log'], [work_tb, ''])
vcs = env.Vcs(['simv'], [dut, tb, setup])
sim = env.Sim(['sim'], [vcs])

SConstruct with VCS tools

For more information on creating a custom tool, see section 17 of the SCons User Guide [2], as well as the following resources [4] [5].

Managing multiple work libraries

Managing the synopsys_sim.setup file on a complex project can be a challenge. Using SCons to automatically generate a correct file every time removes the need to manually manage the file and ensures the file is always correct. The example in the previous section includes instructions for indicating what the work libraries will be and generating the synopsys_sim.setup file. The MarkWorkLib function is a custom builder that creates an empty .done file in order to provide a static name to SCons (SCons doesn't like to work with directories very much since they can't be tracked for changes directly). The CreateSetup Builder receives all the marked work libraries and appends them all to the generated synopsys_sim.setup file. Based on the template used, the final synopsys_sim.setup file might look like this:

work_dut: ./run/libs/work_dut
work_tb: ./run/libs/work_tb

The synopsys_sim.setup file generated by Figure 4

Parallel builds

SCons has support for building targets in parallel, similar to Make. This can be enabled by passing the -j flag to SCons, or calling SetOption('num_jobs', os.cpu_count()) , which sets the number of threads to match the number of CPU cores on the system. SCons will then attempt to build as many targets in parallel as possible. This can be a powerful feature for large projects that take a long time to build, or during regressions where you might have many different necessary compile jobs for different hardware configurations. To best take advantage of this, every instruction in your SConstruct file should have a unique target list, and none of your compile steps should target the same work library. Either compile everything in a single step, or ensure each compile step has a unique work library to place the results in.

Build results caching

SCons has support for caching build results by providing a path to the function CacheDir() . The path should be external to any single user area and read/writeable by all users on the project. Each time a user builds a target, the generated file will be stored in the cache with a hash of the command and the dependencies used to build it. When another user attempts to build the same target with the same command and dependencies, the cached version will be retrieved instead. This can greatly reduce compile time across the team and speed up smoke regressions in your CI/CD pipeline as well.

Unfortunately, Getting caching to work correctly with the complex file generation system used by some of the VCS tools can be challenging. Caching capabilities will vary by command, and requires the command to be a "pure function", which means the same inputs always build the same outputs with no side effects. Caching a vlogan build is straightforward, as long as the 23 files it generates are properly specified in the target of the build step. However, it is not enough to only cache the simv file from the vcs command, since running it requires libraries in the simv.daidir directory as well. One workaround I have used is to add intermediate steps to the build flow that generate a tar.gz archive of all the vcs build results, cache the archive, then recover the archive and extract the files before simulating. This is not ideal but it does work, and with a long enough elaboration time it can save significant bandwidth. Another, simpler solution is to call the NoCache() function on any given target to tell SCons not to cache it even if caching is enabled.

Introducing YAML to simplify the SConstruct file and make it portable between projects

Since the SConstruct file is a Python script, it is possible to leverage additional Python packages to help build your instructions. One such package is PyYAML, which allows you to read (and write) YAML files. YAML is a human-readable data serialization language that is commonly used for configuration files. By moving project-specific information into a YAML file, you can simplify your SConstruct file and make it more portable between projects. For example, examine the following YAML file:

    - SIM_DIR: ./run/
    - DUT_NAME: dut
    - feature_test_1
    - feature_test_2

A YAML file to replace project-specific information in the SConstruct file

This would be used within an SConstruct file like this:

import os, yaml

with open('project.yaml', 'r') as f:
    project = yaml.load(f, yaml.Loader)

    default=project['env'].get('SIM_DIR', './run/'))

env = Environment(
    DUT_NAME=project['env'].get('DUT_NAME', 'dut'),

setup = env.Setup(['synopsys_sim.setup'], [])
simv = env.Vcs(
    ['${DUT_NAME}.sv', '', '', setup])

for test in env['tests']: 
    test_sim = env.Command(
        'cd $SIM_DIR; ./${SOURCE.file} +UVM_TESTNAME=%s' % test)
    env.Alias('regress', test_sim)

env.Clean('.', ['$SIM_DIR'])

SConstruct leveraging the YAML file in Figure 6

The potential use-cases with using a YAML file to store project-specific build information are endless. For example, the YAML file is an ideal central location to manage compile flags. The flexible testbench architecture presented by Jeff Vance [6] could be managed directly in the YAML file rather than spread out across separate .f files. The test list in the YAML can also be augmented to include additional metadata for each test such as command line arguments or iteration counts. Combining these ideas together might look something like this:

    - VCS: /path/to/vcs
    - SIM_DIR: ./run/
    - DUT_NAME: dut

        - -sverilog
        - -full64
        - -ucli2proc

    - full: >-

    - no_apb_ss: >-

    - name: feature_test_1
      config: full
      vseq: feature_vseq_1
      iterations: 10
    - name: feature_test_2
      config: no_apb_ss
      vseq: feature_vseq_2
      simv_args: +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_LOW

A more advanced YAML file

The associated SConstruct file would use this YAML file like so:

import os, yaml

with open('project.yaml', 'r') as f:
    project = yaml.load(f, yaml.Loader)

env = Environment()

for key, val in project['env'].items():
    env[key] = val

for config, val in project['configs'].items():
        ['${DUT_NAME}.sv', '', ''], 
        f'$VCS -o $TARGET $SOURCES {val} {" ".join(project["cmd_args"]["vcs"])}')

for test in project['tests']:
    for _ in range(test.get('iterations', 1)):
        seed = random.randint(0, 99999999)
                f'cd $SIM_DIR/{test["config"]}; '
                f'./${SOURCE.file} +UVM_TESTNAME={test["name"]} '
                f'+VSEQ={test["vseq"]} {" ".join(project["cmd_args"]["simv"])} '
                f'{test.get("simv_args", "")} +ntb_random_seed={seed} '
                f'-l {test["name"]}_{seed}.log')
        env.Alias(test['name'], f"{test['name']}_{seed}")
        env.Alias('regress', f"{test['name']}_{seed}")

Using the advanced YAML file in Figure 8

There are a lot of changes in this example:

  • The entire YAML environment is copied into the SCons environment (lines 6-9). There are many strategies for environment management, and this is one of them.

  • Multiple simv targets are created, one for each configuration (lines 11-15). This allows for parallel builds of each configuration. SCons will only attempt to build one of these targets when explicitly requested or when a test is requested that depends on it. They can be run by calling scons run/no_abp_ss/simv , for example.

  • The vcs command uses the path to the executable stored in the environment.

  • The global VCS arguments are appended to the vcs command.

  • Within the test section:

    • Each test will create an instruction for each iteration requested, each with a random seed (SCons targets need to be unique, that is why the seed value is added to the target name).

    • Each command builder references the simv target for the configuration requested.

    • The various arguments in the global arguments section and the specific test section are all combined to create the final command.

    • Each seed of a particular test are added to an alias of the base test name, so running scons feature_test_1 will run all the iterations requested with a single command. They are also added to the regress alias as before.

All of the dependency management of SCons is still functional in this example. The specific simv builds will only run when a test that uses them is called. If running a regression, both builds will occur in parallel (if parallel builds are enabled) and the simulations will run as requested. Running a single test will only compile the necessary simv target to run that test.

Implicit dependencies

Up to this point, every example has explicitly listed all dependencies necessary to build each target. While this is the preferable approach to ensure SCons can properly detect changes in a source file and rebuild when necessary, there are cases where it is not practical to do so. For example, many IP and VIP libraries include hundreds or thousands of source files and pre-built file lists, and migrating that to a native SCons source list would be a significant undertaking and not doable within the time-frame of a typical project, especially when you typically call the file list with a simple command like vcs -f files.f . In these cases, rather than losing the benefits of dependency tracking, SCons provides a mechanism called a scanner. Scanners are functions you associated with a particular file type that search through matching sources for additional dependencies contained within the files. The search mechanism is typically regex-based, but any valid Python code can be used. The following example shows a simple scanner that searches SystemVerilog files for `include statements and adds the included files as implicit dependencies for the build:

include_re = re.compile(r'^\s*`include\s+"(\S+)"\s*$', re.M | re.I)

def svfile_scan(node, env, path, arg=None):
    contents = node.get_text_contents()
    includes = include_re.findall(contents)

    results = []
    for f in includes:
        n = SCons.Node.FS.find_file(f, path)
        if n:
    return results

svscan = Scanner(
    skeys=['.v', '.sv', '.svh'],

env['SCANNERS'] = [svscan] + env['SCANNERS']

A simple scanner for SystemVerilog files

With this scanner in place, any time SCons finds a .v , .sv , or .svh file in the source list of an instruction, it will run the scanner function to search for additional dependencies. The scanner function will search for `include statements and add the included files as dependencies. The path_function argument tells SCons where to look for the included files. In this case, it will look in the SVERILOG_INCDIR environment variable, which will need to be manually set up. Otherwise, it will default to searching in the same directory as the scanned file. The recursive argument tells SCons to search the included files for additional dependencies as well.

An important consideration to be aware of when using implicit dependencies is that the reliability of SCons properly detecting changes and rebuilding when necessary is dependent on the accuracy of the scanners. If the regex doesn't catch all the files, or if the paths are not set up correctly, SCons will not detect changes in the files it doesn't know about and will not rebuild when you might expect it to. For this reason, explicitly listing dependencies is always preferable to implicit dependencies.

For more information on writing scanners, see section 20 of the SCons User Guide [2]. An example scanner is included in the appendix for scanning file lists.

Printing results and integrating with the Synopsys Execution Manager API

After running a regression, it is nice to get a summary of the results. This is another task made easy with SCons. The third argument of the Command() function so far has been a string that gets called to execute a command. However, that third argument can also be a plain Python function. With that in mind, the following function can be used to print a summary of the results of a regression:

import glob
def print_results(target, source, env):
    tests = project['tests']
    print("Simulation results:")
    pass_count = 0
    fail_count = 0
    for test in tests:
        sim_log_glob = f"{env['SIM_DIR']}/*/{test['name']}_*.log"
        for sim_log in glob.glob(sim_log_glob):
            status = 'UNKNOWN'
            first_error = ''
            with open(sim_log, 'r') as l:
                for line in l:
                    if 'UVM_ERROR' in line or 'UVM_FATAL' in line or 'Error-' in line:
                        if not first_error:
                            first_error = line
                        status = 'FAIL'
                    if line == '--- UVM Report Summary ---\n':
                        if status == 'UNKNOWN':
                            status = 'PASS'

            if status == 'PASS':
                pass_count += 1
            elif status == 'FAIL':
                fail_count += 1

            print(f"    {sim_log}: {status}")
            if first_error:
                print(f"        First error: {first_error.strip()}")
    print(f"    Pass: {pass_count}")
    print(f"    Fail: {fail_count}")

env.Command('results', [], print_results)

An example function for printing the results of a regression

Calling scons results will glob through all the log files in your run area and print a summary of the results. This is a simple example, but it can easily be expanded to include more information or to generate a more complex and better-formatted report.

> scons results
Simulation results:
    ./run/no_apb_ss/feature_test_1_12345678.log: PASS
    ./run/no_apb_ss/feature_test_2_12345678.log: PASS
    ./run/full/feature_test_1_87654321.log: FAIL
        First error: UVM_ERROR @ 0: @ 0: reporter [top] Error-1 
    ./run/full/feature_test_2_87654321.log: PASS
    Pass: 3
    Fail: 1

An example call to scons results

Augmenting this function to optionally post to the Synopsys Execution Manager API is straightforward.

import glob, subprocess

          help='Post simulation results to the Synopsys Execution Manager API')

def print_results(target, source, env):
    # ...
    post_eman = GetOption('post_eman')

    if post_eman:
        # start an eman API session'eman testapi run ...', shell=True, env=env['ENV'])

    for test in tests:
        sim_log_glob = f"{env['SIM_DIR']}/*/{test['name']}_*.log"
        for sim_log in glob.glob(sim_log_glob):
            # ...
            if post_eman:
                # post the results to the API
      'eman testapi post ...', shell=True, env=env['ENV'])

    if post_eman:
        # end the eman API session'eman testapi shutdown ...', shell=True, env=env['ENV'])    

env.Command('results', [], print_results)

Posting simulation results to the Synopsys Execution Manager API

By running scons results --post-eman , the results of each test in the run area can be published to your project EMAN database. This example showed a general idea about how to accomplish this, but the exact commands will vary based on your EMAN configuration and the data you want to publish.

Adding help text to the scons -h command

This paper has demonstrated many advanced features of SCons that can be used to improve your build system. However, getting a team to adopt a new tool is never easy (for the team or the person trying to support the tool). One way to help with this is to make use of the built-in documentation features of SCons. By default, when running scons -h , you will find the available built-in options for SCons (such as -c or -j ) along with descriptions. There are two methods for expanding this output and making it more relevant to your project. First, if you are using the AddOption function to add new command line switches for your build, each function includes a help input which gets appended to the scons -h output.

          choices=['UVM_NONE', 'UVM_LOW', 'UVM_MEDIUM', 'UVM_HIGH', 'UVM_FULL'],
          help='Set the UVM verbosity level')

          help='Set the random seed for the simulation')

SCons command line options with help text

The options above append the following to the output of scons -h :

Local Options:
  --verbosity=VERBOSITY       Set the UVM verbosity level
  --seed=SEED                 Set the random seed for the simulation

A snippet of the SCons help output with local options added

The second method for adding help text is to call the SCons Help function. This function adds the provided block of text to the scons -h output. You could use this to list targets, provide command line examples, or add anything else that would benefit your team. The text passed in can be manipulated with any standard Python, so you can dynamically generate it from the YAML file to automatically keep it up to date as your target list changes! For example:

SCons targets:
    """.join([f"{test['name']}" for test in project['tests']])}

    scons regress
    scons {env['SIM_DIR']}/{project['configs'].keys()[0]}/simv
    scons {project['tests'][0]['name']}

Notable SCons Options:
    scons <target> <options> -n  : Prints the commands without running them
    scons -c                     : Cleans the built targets. Specify a target to clean only that target
''', append=True)

An example SCons Help function call

Calling this in your SConstruct file will add the following to the scons -h output:

SCons targets:

    scons regress
    scons ./run/full/simv
    scons feature_test_1

Notable SCons Options:
    scons <target> <options> -n  : Prints the commands without running them
    scons -c                     : Cleans the built targets. Specify a target to 
                                   clean only that target

A snippet of the SCons help output with a custom Help function call


SCons is a powerful build system with far more capabilities than can be covered in a single paper. However, the Python-based structure and the well-written documentation make it easy to get started and learn more as you go. The examples and techniques presented in this paper summarize some of the most useful features of SCons. They are intended to help you get started and provide a foundation for you to build on. SCons provides the tools powerful and flexible enough to standardize your build process across your team and improve your build efficiency.


SCons: A software construction tool. The SCons Foundation, 2019. Accessed: Oct. 12, 2019. [Online]. Available:
T. Sc. D. Team, SCons User Guide. The SCons Foundation, 2024. Accessed: Mar. 19, 2024. [Online]. Available:
T. Sc. D. Team, SCons MAN page. The SCons Foundation, 2019. Accessed: Nov. 11, 2019. [Online]. Available:
W. Deegan, ToolsForFools. 2018. Accessed: Oct. 12, 2019. [Online]. Available:
D. Mills and D. Mills, SystemVerilog Configurations and Tool Flow Using SCons (an Improved Make). DVCon, 2020. [Online]. Available:
J. Vance, J. Montesano, K. Johnston, and K. Vasconsellos, My Testbench Used to Break! Now it Bends. DVCon, 2018.

Appendix: A File List Scanner

f_re = re.compile(r'^\s*-f\s+(\S+)\s*$', re.M | re.I)
sourcecode_re = re.compile(r'^\s*(\S+\.(?:v|sv|svh))\s*$', re.M | re.I)
incdir_re = re.compile(r'^\s*\+incdir\+(\S+)\s*$', re.M | re.I)
ylib_re = re.compile(r'^\s*-y\s+(\S+)\s*$', re.M | re.I)
libext_re = re.compile(r'\+libext\+(\S+)', re.M | re.I)

def ffile_scan(node, env, path, arg=None):
    contents = node.get_text_contents()

    source_files = sourcecode_re.findall(contents)
    f_files = f_re.findall(contents)
    incdirs = incdir_re.findall(contents)
    ylibs = ylib_re.findall(contents)

    results = []

    # Add all incdirs to the path
            SCons.PathList.PathList(incdirs).subst_path(env, None, None)))

    # Add all child .f files to the results - these will be recursively scanned
    for f in f_files:
        # Take care of any env variables in the path
        f_subst = env.subst(f)

        if n := SCons.Node.FS.find_file(f_subst, node.dir):

    # Add all source files to the results - these will be passed to the svscan scanner
    for f in source_files:
        # Take care of any env variables in the path
        f_subst = env.subst(f)

        if n := SCons.Node.FS.find_file(f_subst, node.dir)

    # Add all files in any -y libraries that match the libext suffixes specified in $VLOGANFLAGS
    # Not all these files will necessarily be used in the compile but they can all be *potentially* used,
    # so we will watch for changes in them all, just to be safe.
    libext = libext_re.findall(' '.join(env.Flatten(env.get('VLOGANFLAGS', []))))
    libext = '+'.join(libext).split('+')
    for lib in ylibs:
        lib_subst = env.subst(lib)

        for ext in libext:

    return results

fscan = Scanner(

A scanner for .f file lists

A path function is not needed because all file paths specified in a file list are either absolute paths or relative to the file list itself. However, any +incdir+ paths found in the file need to be stored and made available to the svscan scanner. This is done by adding them to the INCDIR_SCANPATH variable in the environment. This requires two additional steps not shown here. First, the INCDIR_SCANPATH variable needs to be added as an empty list to the builder environment overrides for each compile builder so their paths are not merged between compiles. Second, the svscan scanner needs an update to the second argument of the find_file function call, which takes the path list to search for the file in. The argument should include a concatenation of path and tuple(env.get('INCDIR_SCANPATH', [])).